Transformational Life for Christ's Church
What is it?
It is a process we use for spiritual formation and transformation based on the belief that there is a direct correlation between ones faith development and one’s emotional development. This effort is largely based on the writing of Pete Scazzero in his book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality.
What is the vision?
To help people develop a deep, personal, transformative relationship with Jesus Christ out of which they serve the world. Our aim is to connect people deeply to Jesus, themselves and each other in order to accomplish the churches missional vision.
How does it work?
Transformational Life encourages us to look below the surface and deals with biblical truths that define love of God and love for others as the criteria for maturity. It teaches people to connect in healthy, authentic ways, breaking unhealthy family of origin and cultural patterns and learning healthy emotional bonding in the new family of Jesus.
How can i get STARted?
Pastor Stephen can help you begin the process and connect you with a group that is working on this process. Please contact us to get started